Tuesday 26 February 2013

film trailer

In a group of three, we had similar ideas of what we wanted from our trailer. We all wanted to satisfy the conventions of a psychological thriller so it was ideal we would work together.We all had similar ideas however there was some differences that we had to compromise on. To begin with our main focus was on our audience and what was appropriate. We started research on bbfc and decided that we should set the age boundary at 15.our surveys showed that 15+ enjoyed psychological thrillers compared to a younger audience who enjoyed comedy. Also we had the idea that our main character would be of a similar age and this would attract a larger audience. Soon after we started to look at films that are of the same genre, we partially liked the trailer Shutter Island; the ambience scenes had me gripped straight from the beginning as the camera slowly swept by an old mental institution which was on an island with surroundings of dark water. By having a similar trailer , we hoped to achieve all the pros such as the fast paced editing which we tried to incorporate into our trailer as well as fast paced music and dark lighting . I thought that all these factors added suspense and were part of the reason the trailer achieved a great number of views.

The main aim of our production was to show the complex views of a schitzpherenic's mind, so the representation of schitzpherenic's were important to us as well as madness.

The codes and conventions i have used that correspond for thriller films include;
Lightening:  I used lightening to set moods within our trailer, for example when the camera pans down to set on Annette’s face the sun is shining directly on her face foreshadowing that there is going to be a “bright day ahead” .
Sounds:  Throughout  our trailer we had a variety of “scary” sounds.
the use of a piano